Product properties

Product properties track individual attributes for a product, especially if the attributes only apply to one specific product. Typically, product properties would be used for technical specifications or additional production information.

For example, you can see a list of product properties for a limited edition t-shirt as a table on its product page:

Property name Property value
Property name
Property value
Property name
Property value
American Apparel
Property name
Property value
100% cotton

Product properties are not option types

A product property should not be confused with an option type , which is used to define variants for a product.

Use product properties to describe a product: "The t-shirt is 100% cotton." Use option types to show how variants are distinct from each other: "The t-shirt can be purchased in one of two colors: red or green."

Create a product property

You can create a new product property in just a few steps:

  1. While you add or edit a product, select the Product Properties tab.
  2. Select the Add Product Properties button. Empty Property Type and Property Value fields appear.
  3. Enter a Property Type value and a Value value.
  4. Select the Update button.

Set variant properties

You can also create product properties that only apply to a specific variant:

  1. While you add or edit a product, select the Product Properties tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Variant Properties section of the page.
  3. Choose which variants you want to add properties to using the provided filters.
  4. Select the Filter Results button.
  5. Select the Add Variant Properties button. Empty Property Type and Property Value fields appear.
  6. Enter a Property Type value and a Property Value value.
  7. Select the Update button.

Note that if you use the default Solidus frontend, variant properties are not displayed. Talk to your developers about integrating variant properties on your store's product pages.