Promotion rules determine whether a promotion is eligible to be applied.
Promotions let you control which customers can get promotional discounts and
which ones cannot. For example, you may want to offer a promotion that is only
valid for new customers.
Many conventional types of promotion rules are available in Solidus by default.
If you require a more specialized rule, speak with your developers about
creating one.
- First Order: Eligible for a customer's first order only.
- First Repeat Purchase Since: Eligible for a customer's first repeat
purchase since a specified date.
- Nth Order: Eligible for a customer's nth order only.
- Item Total: Eligible if the order total (before any adjustments) is less
than or greater than a specified amount.
- One Use Per User: Eligible for use one time per user.
- Product(s): Eligible for specified products only.
- Option Value(s): Eligible for specified variants (product option values)
- Taxon: Eligible for products with specified taxons.
- User: Eligible for specified users.
- User Role: Eligible for users with the specified user role.
- User Logged In: Eligible for users who are logged in.
Every time a customer's order is updated, the promotion rules are re-checked to
ensure that the promotion is still valid. This protects your store from
customers who want to abuse promotion codes.
Every time the promotion rules are re-checked, any promotional discounts are
recalculated as well. For example, if the customer added more items to the cart,
those new items could now be calculated against the promotion rules.
Rule matching
There are two types of rule matching in Solidus' promotion system: Match all
of these rules or Match any of these rules.
- Match all of these rules: This setting ensure that every rule must be
matched before the promotion is applied. This is great if you only want to
apply promotions for a very specific kind of order, like for first-time
customers whose order is valued at $100 USD or more.
- Match any of these rules: This setting allows you to create more flexible
promotions. For example, if you wanted to give a discount to customers who
order your Tote Bag product or if it's their 5th order from your store.