Asset management

Solidus leverages the Rails asset pipeline to allow for extension and customization of your frontend and backend assets. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Rails asset pipeline before you begin modifying or overwriting Solidus's stock assets.

This article provides an overview of how Solidus manages assets. Note that it assumes that you are using the solidus_frontend and solidus_backend gems that are included as part of a typical Solidus installation.

Quick start

For more information about the asset pipeline, see the sections below. Here's a point-form summary of how you can get started with assets:

  • External JavaScript libraries, stylesheets, and image should be located in the vendor/assets directory. Otherwise, add custom assets to your project's app/assets tree.
  • Manifests (the all.css, all.js, and application.js files in your project's assets trees) requires your app's external libraries or custom assets – including any files or directories you add deeper in the directory tree.
  • You can override assets provided by the solidus_frontend and solidus_backend gems, or any other gems. See the Override Solidus assets article for more information.

Solidus's asset pipeline

Every Solidus application includes standard Rails assets directories:

  • app/assets
  • lib/assets
  • vendor/assets

Asset trees are divided into subdirectories according to their types: either images, javascripts, or stylesheets.

Solidus takes this further by scoping each asset type by spree/frontend or spree/backend, depending on where the asset is being used.

The structure for the app and vendor trees looks like this:

└─ assets
    └─ images
    |   └─ spree
    |       └─ frontend
    |       └─ backend
    ├─ javascripts
    |   └─ spree
    |       └─ frontend
    |       └─ backend
    └─ stylesheets
        └─ spree
            └─ frontend
            └─ backend


This directory structure is designed to keep assets from the solidus_frontend and solidus_backend from conflicting with each other.

Solidus also generates top-level manifests that require all of the Solidus-provided stylesheets and JavaScript files as well as your own site-specific files.

To see the stock Solidus assets, you can check the contents of the solidus_frontend and solidus_backend gems installed on your system or the app/assets contents in the Solidus GitHub repo .

Solidus manifests

The solidus_frontend and solidus_backend gems provide asset manifests that bundle up all the JavaScript files and stylesheets that they require. For example, see the all.css and all.js manifests in the vendor tree:

└─ assets
    └─ javascripts
    |   └─ spree
    |       ├─ frontend
    |       |   └─ all.js
    |       └─ backend
    |           └─ all.js
    └─ stylesheets
        └─ spree
            ├─ frontend
            |   └─ all.css
            └─ backend
                └─ all.css


Your project's vendor/assets/javascripts/spree/backend/all.js file would show you that your Solidus backend include jQuery and any other files that you create in this spree/backend directory:

      //= require jquery3
//= require rails-ujs
//= require spree/backend
//= require_tree .


Managing application assets

We recommend using the Rails' suggested approach to asset organization , then scoping your custom files to the spree/frontend or spree/backend subdirectories to avoid conflicts or accidental file overrides.

For example, if you want to use the Foundation CSS framework in your store's frontend, you would put the foundation.css file in the following location:



Doing this will ensure that Foundation is scoped to the frontend and would never affect the Solidus backend's user interface.

Then, if you wanted to override a specific style on your homepage, you might create another file in your app/assets tree:



Managing your Solidus extension's assets

We recommend that all third-party extensions should adopt the same approach as Solidus: provide manifest files with the same names and in the same directory structure used by the solidus_frontend and solidus_backend gems.

The manifest files for third-party extensions are not included automatically in your manifest files. You can either document how developers should add include your extension's required assets manually or provide a Rails generator that includes it for them.

For an example of an extension that uses a generator to install stylesheets and migrations see the install_generator for solidus_static_content .


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