Mailer Customizations


Solidus has built-in transactional emails that notify customers of various events associated with their order. For example, the following actions can trigger an email:

  • Completing order checkout
  • Shipping an order
  • Cancelling an order
  • Completing a batch promtion codes creation

Solidus has built-in emails for all of the above scenarios and more. However, given that the default Solidus email templates are intended to be very plain, you will likely wish to customize them for your store. You may also want to add new emails, such as a welcome email when a customer creates a new account, an abandoned cart email when a customer leaves their cart without checking out, or a notification that a customer's credit cart has expired if your store uses recurring subscriptions. All of these are possible because Solidus uses Rails' built-in Action Mailer to handle sending emails.

A Brief Intro to Action Mailer

Solidus emails use Action Mailer , which is built into Rails. Therefore, most concepts and customizations that apply to emails in Rails also apply to Solidus. Reviewing the Rails Action Mailer Documentation will give you some good ideas about how transactional emails can be customized in Solidus.

Action Mailer emails have two parts:

  1. A view or layout where you can compose and style the email. This could be an html.erb file, or a .txt.erb file for text-only emails. You can also configure Action Mailer to parse different templating languages like HAML or MJML if you prefer to use those. See here for information on how you can configure Action Mailer to recognize HAML templates, for example.
  2. A mailer, which behaves very similar to a Rails controller. Like a controller, customizing the mailer will let you determine what information is available in your email's view.

Where to Find Mailers in Solidus

The core default mailers can be found in /core/app/mailers/spree . Some of the more commonly-used files are as follows:

  • base_mailer.rb, which is inherited by the other core Solidus Mailers, and contains some basic information about the behavior of your emails.
  • carton_mailer.rb, for shipment notification emails.
  • order_mailer.rb, for order confirmation emails.
  • reimbursement_mailer.rb, for return and refund notifictaion emails.

Where to Find Email Views in Solidus

The core email views for Solidus can be found in /core/app/views/spree/ . Here you will find some folders with names that correspond to the above mailers:/carton_mailer/ and /order_mailer/, for example.

Each folder contains an html.erb view file that can be styled, and a txt.erb file, which will be used by text-only email clients. Even if you are only planning on sending heavily-styled emails it is important to include a text-only email for accessibility purposes.

How to Customize Mailers

Solidus offers extensions points to fully customize all the emails that are delivered by the core:

For example, if you want to change how the order_mailer.rb works, you can change the order_mailer_class preference by adding this line into the Solidus initializer:

Spree.config do |config|
  config.order_mailer_class = 'Spree::CustomOrderMailer'


and create a new class that responds to the same methods of the original core/app/mailers/spree/order_mailer.rb .

You can even make this new class inherit from the original one. This way, you can change only the mailers that you need to customize and you don't have to copy/paste the mailers that already work for you. For example, if you only want to change the email confirmation through the confirm_email method, the CustomOrderMailer would look like:

module Spree
  class CustomOrderMailer < OrderMailer
    def confirm_email(order, resend = false)
      # Your custom code here


Please note that with this change, Rails is going to look for mailer templates in app/views/spree/custom_order_mailer/ rather than app/views/spree/order_mailer/. You have two options: move the original mailer templates into the right directory or add the prepend_view_path "spree/order_mailer" directive to the new class in order to tell Rails that it should look for templates in the original directory.

How to Customize Email Views

Solidus email views are also located in /core/, so to create or override email views, copy the corresponding directory over to your application. Using order_mailer.rb as an example again, just copy the directory /core/app/views/spree/order_mailer/ into your app at /[your_store]/app/views/spree/order_mailer/. Both the .erb and .txt files are located within the directory, and can be customized as you like.


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