Forking Solidus

If your store requires deep customizations to Solidus' core functionality, you may want to fork Solidus for your store where you can more freely implement your features.

Note that this can complicate your Solidus upgrade process or it can break other Solidus extensions you may wish to use.

The benefit of using a fork of Solidus is that you can test your new features with Solidus' test suite and ensure that your development did not break any existing functionality.

You can reference a fork of Solidus in your Gemfile this way:

      gem 'solidus', git: '', branch: "my-new-feature"


If you think your feature or fix is of interest to the wider Solidus community, consider making a pull request .

Create a "private fork"

If your organization needs to work in a private repository for any reason, forking Solidus becomes slightly more complicated. GitHub does not allow you to create private forks of public repositories. Instead, you can duplicate the repository. See GitHub's Duplicating a repository article for more information.


Solidus is an open source platform supported by the community. We encourage everyone using Solidus to contribute back to the documentation and the code.

If you’re interested in contributing to the docs, get started with the contributing guidelines. If you see something that needs fixing and can’t do it yourself, please send us an email.