
The Spree::Order model is one of the key models in Solidus. It provides a central place around which to collect information about a customer order. It collects line items, adjustments, payments, addresses, return authorizations, and shipments.

Whenever information about the order is updated, the Spree::OrderUpdater should update the order. If your store creates or changes the functionality around the order, you may need to manually call the order updater .

Orders have the following attributes:

  • number: The unique identifier for this order generated by Spree::Order::NumberGenerator. It begins with the letter R and ends in a nine-digit number (for example, R123456789). This number is shown to the users, and can be used to find the order by calling Spree::Order.find_by(number: "R123456789").
  • item_total: The sum of all the line items for this order.
  • total: The sum of the item_total and the adjustment_total attributes.
  • state: The current state of the order. See the Order state machine article for more information.
  • adjustment_total: The sum of all adjustments on this order.
  • user_id: The ID for the order's corresponding user. Stored only if the order is placed by a signed-in user.
  • completed_at: The timestamp that logs when the order is completed.
  • bill_address_id and ship_address_id: The IDs for the related Spree::Address objects with billing and shipping address information.
  • payment_total: The sum of all the finalized payments on the order.
  • shipment_state: The current shipment state of the order.
  • payment_state: The current payment state of the order.
  • email: The customer-provided email address for the order. This is stored in case the order is for a guest user.
  • special_instructions: Any special shipping instructions that shave been specified by the customer during checkout.
  • currency: The currency for this order. Determined by the Spree::Config[:currency] value that was set at the time of order.
  • last_ip_address: The last IP address used to update this order in the frontend.
  • created_by_id: The ID of object that created this order.
  • shipment_total: The sum of all the shipments associated with an order.
  • additional_tax_total: The sum of all the additional_tax_totals (sales tax) on an order's line items and shipments.
  • promo_total: The sum of all of the promo_totals on an order's shipments, line items, and promotions.
  • channel: The channel specified when importing orders from other stores. For example, if you operate as an Amazon Seller and import orders from Amazon, some orders may have a channel value of amazon. Otherwise, this value is spree.
  • included_tax_total: The sum of all the included_tax_totals (value-added tax) on an order's line items and shipments.
  • item_count: The total amount of line items associated with the order.
  • approver_id: The ID of user that approved the order.
  • approver_name: The name of the user that approved the order.
  • approved_at: The timestamp logging when this order is approved by the approver.
  • confirmation_delivered: Boolean value that indicates that an order confirmation email has been delivered.
  • guest_token: The guest token that links an uncompleted order to a specific guest user (via browser cookies).
  • canceler_id: The ID of user that canceled this order.
  • canceled_at: If the order is cancelled, this timestamp logs when the order was cancelled.
  • store_id: The ID of Spree::Store in which the order has been created.

Because orders are so integral to Solidus, there are a number of methods available that let you easily display order totals and subtotals. For more information, see the Display totals methods article.

The Spree::Order model touches many other models. This section highlights essential models that orders depend on and links to their existing documentation.

Line items

The Spree::LineItem model provides the cost of each item added to an order. Line items provide a link between the order and Spree::Products and Spree::Variants.

For more information about line items, products, and variants, see the Products and variants documentation.


The Spree::Adjustment model provides the cost of each adjustment to an order, line item, or shipment on an order. Adjustments can decrease the total (via promotions ) or increase it (via shipments and taxes ).

For more information, see the Adjustments documentation.


The Spree::Shipment model creates shipments according to the items in an order. An order may have multiple shipments: this depends on your store's configured shipping categories and shipping methods and the item in the order.

Shipments use Spree::InventoryUnits. An inventory unit is created for each item added to an order for the purpose of tracking what order and shipment an item belongs to. Inventory units provide a link between the order and Spree::Shipments.

For more information, see the Shipments documentation.


The Spree::Address model stores customer addresses and shares them with the order via the ship_address_id and bill_address_id. An order may have one or two different addresses associated it, depending on the customer's preferred shipping and billing address.

For more information, see the Addresses documentation.


The Spree::Payment model stores payment information for the order. Once the payment object is updated with the amount paid, this updates the corresponding order's payment_total value.

For more information, see the Payments documentation.

Return Authorizations

The Spree::ReturnAuthorization model stores information about customers returns that have been authorized by an administrator.


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