Payment processing

Solidus does not process payments. Instead, it relies on payment service providers (or PSPs) like Stripe or Braintree. So, in order to process payments, your payment methods should first integrate with, and send payment data to, your payment service provider.

The Spree::Payment record contains most of the logic that depends on an integration with a PSP. (Note that the critical functionality has been isolated in the Spree::Payment::Processing module .)

The Spree::Payment#state is used to document the state of the payment, and whether the payment has been captured, voided, cancelled, etc. by the PSP.

Interfacing with a payment service provider

When you set up your own payment methods, you need it to integrate with a payment service provider. While you can create an integration in any way that you want, you may want to note the following conventions set up by Solidus's Spree::PaymentMethod model and the Spree::Payment::Processing module:

  • Spree::PaymentMethod has a similar interface to API provided by the active_merchant gem.
  • The Spree::PaymentMethod class uses its gateway method to read a hash of options that are provided by the payment service provider. See Gateway options for more information about this.
  • Then, in your own payment method, can call the gateway method and send this information to the payment service provider.

Gateway options

The Spree::Payment::Processing class provides a gateway_options method. It uses the current Spree::Payment object and the order it is associated to provide a hash with relevant order information that can be sent to your payment service provider.

For every gateway action, a list of gateway options are passed through:

  • email and customer: The email address associated with the Spree::Order.
  • ip: The last IP address for the order.
  • order_id: The Spree::Order's number attribute, as well as the identifier for each payment associated with the order. These are generated when the payment is first created.
  • originator: The Spree::Payment itself.
  • shipping: The total shipping cost for the order.
  • tax: The total tax cost for the order.
  • subtotal: The item total for the order.
  • discount: The promotional discount total for the order.
  • currency: The three-letter currency code for the order.
  • billing_address: A hash containing Spree::Address being used as the shipping address for the order.
  • shipping_address: A hash containing Spree::Address being used as the billing address for the order.

The process! method

Payment processing depends on the logic of the Spree::Payment#process!, which is defined in the Spree::Payment::Processing module and included on the Spree::Payment class.

Note that the process! method has many conditionals and different outcomes depending on the status of the current Spree::Payment, the payment source, and the way the Spree::PaymentMethod is configured.

In summary, the process! method processes the payment in one of the following ways:

  • If the Spree::PaymentMethod's auto_capture attribute is set to true, purchase! is called, meaning the payment is authorized and captured. This occurs even if the payment's state is already completed.
  • If the Spree::PaymentMethod's auto_capture attribute is set to false, then the payment is authorized but not captured. This occurs even if the payment's state is already completed.

Note that completed payments can also transition to processing. Calling process! on a completed payment attempts to re-authorize! and re-purchase! the payment.

If process! cannot complete

Payments cannot be processed using the process! method in a few circumstances:

  • There is no Spree::PaymentMethod for the current payment.
  • The Spree::PaymentMethod does not require a payment source.
  • The Spree::PaymentMethod's auto_capture attribute is set to false, and the payment is already authorized.
  • The current payment is in the processing state.

The process! method cannot continue and raises an exception in the following cases:

  • The payment source is missing or invalid.
  • The current payment is in a state that cannot transition to processing. (For example, its state is already failed, void, or invalid.)

Processing walkthrough

This section goes into more detail of the steps taken to process a payment.

  1. If a completed Spree::Order's #payment_required? method returns true, the process! method is called and Solidus attempts to fulfill the payment.
  2. If the payment's associated Spree::PaymentMethod requires a payment source, and the payment's source_type and source_id attributes reference a valid payment source, Solidus attempts to process the payment.
  3. If the payment's associated Spree::PaymentMethod is configured to auto-capture payments (its auto_capture attribute is set to true), the purchase! method is called. Otherwise, only the authorize! method is called. Both of these methods should send information to the payment service provider See The authorize! and purchase! methods section for more information.
  4. Payments need to be authorized and processed by your payment service provider before Solidus can finish processing your payments. How the authorize! and purchase! methods operate depends on how the Spree::PaymentMethod is implemented and which payment service provider is being used. Your payment service provider can either accept or reject the customer's payment.
  5. After you receive a response back from the payment service provider, you should have response objects that tell you whether the payment can be authorized and captured successfully. If the purchase! method is successful, the Spree::Payment's state transitions to completed. Otherwise, it transitions to failed.
  6. If the auto-capture is not available, then the payment can be manually captured using the capture! method.
  7. Once a payment has been saved, the associated Spree::Order is updated. At this point, the Spree::Order's current payment_state may change. For more information about the payment_state on an order, see the Payment states article.

The authorize! and purchase! methods

The Spree::Payment::Processing model has an authorize! and a purchase! method that are used to interact with the payment service provider that is configured for the current Spree::PaymentMethod. Each Spree::Payment stores a hash of gateway options that you can send to your payment service provider.

If the Spree::PaymentMethod object is configured to auto-capture payments, the Spree::Payment::Processing#purchase! method is called, which then calls the SpreePaymentMethod#purchase like this:

      payment_method.purchase(<amount>, <source>, <gateway options>)


If the payment is not configured to auto-capture payments, the Spree::Payment::Processing#authorize! method is called with the same arguments as the purchase method above:

      payment_method.authorize(<amount>, <source>, <gateway options>)



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