State Machines

Solidus uses the state_machines gem internally for defining the state-related logic. While most of the e-commerces don't need to customize the default state machines, Solidus allows providing a custom implementation for the following models' attributes:

State machines customization

If you need to customize an existing state machine, create a module containing your custom definition:

module MyStore
  module StateMachines
    module ReturnAuthorization
      extend ActiveSupport::Concern

      included do
        state_machine initial: :authorized do
          before_transition to: :canceled, do: :cancel_return_items

          event :cancel do
            transition to: :canceled, from: :authorized

          event :custom_event do
            transition to: :custom_state, from: :authorized


Then assign your custom module name to the state machines registry:

Spree.config do |config|
  # Return authorization status
  config.state_machines.return_authorization = '::MyStore::StateMachines::ReturnAuthorization'

  # Other configurable state machines available:

  # Return Item reception status
  # config.state_machines.return_item_reception = '<your-custom-module-name>'

  # Return Item acceptance status
  # config.state_machines.return_item_acceptance = '<your-custom-module-name>'

  # Payment status
  # config.state_machines.payment = '<your-custom-module-name>'

  # Inventory Unit status
  # config.state_machines.inventory_unit = '<your-custom-module-name>'

  # Checkout status
  # config.state_machines.order = '<your-custom-module-name>'


This will include your custom module into Spree::ReturnAuthorization class instead of the Solidus provided one.

Using different state machines implementations

You can also completely replace state_machines with your own implementation. Just make sure to expose the following API.

For each event, the state_machines gem dynamically implements the following instance methods:

  • #<event_name>
  • #<event_name>!
  • #can_<event_name>?

for example, having a state machine event named cancel, you'll need to implement:

  • #cancel
  • #cancel!
  • #can_cancel?

For each state, the following instance method is implemented:

  • #<state_name>?

for example, having a state named canceled, your custom implementation should expose:

  • #canceled?


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