Installation options

Stable Solidus

To get the latest stable build of Solidus, just require solidus in your Gemfile.

      gem 'solidus'


Bleeding edge Solidus

If you want to use the bleeding edge version of Solidus, you can require the Solidus GitHub repo's master branch:

      gem 'solidus', github: 'solidusio/solidus'


The master branch is updated frequently and may break. Do not use this branch on a production system.

Manually run migrations

When you run the solidus:install generator without arguments, it runs migrations, adds sample data, and seeds your database:

      bin/rails generate solidus:install


You can use command arguments to skip any of these steps of the generator:

      bin/rails generate solidus:install --migrate=false --sample=false --seed=false


If you want to perform these tasks later, you can use these commands.

      bin/rails railties:install:migrations       # installs migrations
bin/rails db:migrate                        # runs migrations
bin/rails db:seed                           # seeds your database
bin/rails spree_sample:load                 # loads sample data


Authentication via Devise

During the installation, you have been prompted to add the default authentication extension to your project. It is called solidus_auth_devise and it uses the well-known authentication library for Rails called Devise .

If you answered "yes", there's nothing else left to do. The extension is already added and installed in your application.

If you don't want to install the default authentication extension, you can answer "no", or run the Solidus installer with the following command:

      bin/rails generate solidus:install --with-authentication=false


If you prefer to install solidus_auth_devise gem manually, after adding it in your Gemfile, you can run the following commands to install and run its migrations, then seed the database:

      bundle install                              # install gem and dependencies
bin/rails solidus_auth:install:migrations   # installs solidus_auth_devise migrations
bin/rails db:migrate                        # runs solidus_auth_devise migrations
bin/rails db:seed                           # seeds your database


Development environment performance gains

You may notice that your Solidus store runs slowly in development mode. You can change some of its configuration options to speed it up.

Turn off asset debugging

By default, your development environment includes all CSS and JavaScript assets as separate includes. You can disable this in your project's config/environments/development.rb by changing the following configuration from true to false:

      Rails.application.configure do
  config.assets.debug = false


You can gain some extra speed by enabling Turbolinks in your Solidus admin. First, add the turbolinks gem to your project's Gemfile:

      gem 'turbolinks', '~> 5.0.0'


Then, enable Turbolinks in the backend by changing the Backend JavaScript manifest at vendor/assets/javascripts/spree/backend/all.js as follow:

      //= require turbolinks
// ... current file content
//= require spree/backend/turbolinks-integration.js


Note that Turbolinks can break your custom Solidus extensions or other customizations you have made to the Solidus admin. Use Turbolinks at your own risk.


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If you’re interested in contributing to the docs, get started with the contributing guidelines. If you see something that needs fixing and can’t do it yourself, please send us an email.