Admin Panel Customizations

When developing a Solidus store you may need to change how the Admin Panel works. Solidus allows you to fully customize your store's Admin Panel (also referred to as the "backend"). This page shows you how to implement frequently requested changes.


There are two ways of changing an Admin Panel view:

Override the Views (Template Replacement)

You can override the original views by creating a file in your host application with the same path as the one you want to change. Copy and paste the contents of the original file into the new one and edit it.

For example, if you want to customize backend/app/views/spree/admin/orders/index.html.erb , simply create a new file at app/views/spree/admin/orders/index.html.erb and copy the original contents into it. Make any desired changes to the newly copied file. Solidus will pick up the modified version of the file in your repository, and display the changes in the backend.

It is important to be sure you are copying the file that corresponds to the version of Solidus that you are using. For example, if your production store uses Solidus 2.8, you must copy the files from the 2.8 branch. Once you've identified your version (usually through your Gemfile), you can switch to the right branch using the branch selector in the GitHub UI.

There is one disadvantage to this approach: If your modified view changes in a future version of Solidus, you could face unexpected problems since your view code does not match with the rest of the Solidus codebase in the newer version.

Use Deface

Deface is a gem that allows you to selectively change part of your views without overriding them entirely. It was created to fix the disadvantage described in the previous approach.


Suppose you want to customize backend/app/views/spree/admin/orders/index.html.erb , changing the following block:

      <div class="no-objects-found">
  <%= render 'spree/admin/shared/no_objects_found',
               resource: Spree::Order,
               new_resource_url: spree.new_admin_order_path %>



      <div class="no-objects-found">
  <h2>No Order found</h2>


With deface you can create a new file at app/overrides/spree/admin/orders/index/replace_no_object_found.html.erb.deface and use Deface's DSL to change only part of the original erb file, like so:

  replace_contents ".no-objects-found"

<div class="no-objects-found">
  <h2>No Order found</h2>


Before rendering the original view, Deface will modify its content following the instructions contained in the .deface file.

Check out the Deface documentation for more information about the provided DSL and other usage examples.

The benefit is that view modifications made with Deface are less likely to break your store when you upgrade to future versions of Solidus, since only a small part of the view has been changed. This approach has some downsides as well, though:

  • If multiple extensions change the same part of the view, there may be unexpected conflicts
  • Using deface might make debugging more difficult. Finding exactly which Deface override is changing a specific part of the view may be time-consuming

When adding new pages to the Admin Panel you will often need to add a new item in the main menu to reach the newly added pages.

It's easy to add new menu items. Just add the following lines in the config/initializers/spree.rb initializer:

      Spree::Backend::Config.configure do |config|
  config.menu_items <<
    url: ''


See Spree::BackendConfiguration::MenuItem documentation for more information about menu items customizations.

Search Forms

The admin UI has a search form in nearly every page that lists resource items. For example /admin/orders.

These forms come with a set of fields that we can use to search against. Technically, they are just an interface to use the ransack gem.

To add a new field you need to change the view that contains the search form. In this case you change app/views/spree/admin/orders/index.html.erb and add a new form input wherever you think it fits best.

Please read the Views paragraph to understand how to change the original template.

For example, if you want to add a search field that allows you to filter orders completed with a specific IP address, just add the following field in the search form:

      <div class="field">
  <%= label_tag :q_last_ip_address_eq, t('spree.email_contains') %>
  <%= f.text_field :last_ip_address_eq %>


last_ip_address_eq is part of a matchers DSL provided by ransack . See the ransack documentation for more information.

Additionally, for security reasons you will need to whitelist the new attribute needed for the search. You do this by using a specific method provided by ransack . The easiest way to achieve this is by adding a decorator which will update the attributes. This ensures that the code is reloaded correctly when needed - using an initializer does not work with Rails 6+ and Zeitwerk. For this example, you would add the following code to app/models/your_app/spree/order_decorator.rb:

      module YourApp
  module Spree
    class OrderDecorator
      def self.prepended(base)
        base.whitelisted_ransackable_attributes << 'last_ip_address'

      Spree::Order.prepend self                                          



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