Customizing After-login Redirects

Standard Solidus installations use the solidus_auth_devise gem in order to provide user authentication. The gem is based on Devise, a very successful authentication gem for Rails.

When the unauthenticated user visits an authentication-protected page, they're first redirected to the login page, eventually after successful login they're redirected back to the page they were originally wanting to visit.

Before redirecting the user to the login page, Solidus stores the original URL that the user wanted to visit into Rails application session cookie, ie. session[:spree_return_to].

There are some URLs that we need to avoid storing in session, othwewise inifite-loops would occur after successful authentication.

All of these URLs with a standard Solidus installation are related to the authentication process, but you may need to add more, for example because you added some more authentication URLs.

Solidus uses rules managed by the service object Spree::UserLastUrlStorer in order to decide whether the current path should be stored or not. The default rule is defined in Spree::UserLastUrlStorer::Rules::AuthenticationRule .

In order to add your custom behavior, you can create a new rule:

      module Spree
  class UserLastUrlStorer
    module Rules
      module FacebookLoginRule
        extend self

        def match?(controller)
          controller.controller_name == "sessions" &&
            action_name == "facebook_login"


After that, you need to register your new rule module, for example by adding this line in config/spree.rb file:

      Spree::UserLastUrlStorer.rules << 'Spree::UserLastUrlStorer::Rules::FacebookLoginRule'


Please note that, when at least one rule is met (#match? returns true) then the current path is not stored in the session.


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