Storefront Customizations

The majority of stores that use Solidus need to change the look and feel of the provided user-facing experience, which is only intended as a placeholder. This page describes the best practices to build a custom storefront, also referred to as the frontend in the Solidus domain.

Customizing Views

We strongly encourage Solidus users to create their own frontend without modifying the existing one. A good approach is by copying all frontend views into the host application and changing them as needed.

Using Deface is not recommended because it can make debugging difficult and degrade your shop's performance.

Solidus provides a generator to help with copying the right view into your host app.

Simply call the following generator to copy all views into your host app:

      $ bundle exec rails g solidus:views:override


If you only want to copy certain views into your host app, you can provide the --only argument:

      $ bundle exec rails g solidus:views:override --only products/show


The argument to --only can also be a substring of the name of the view from the app/views/spree folder:

      $ bundle exec rails g solidus:views:override --only product


This will copy all views whose directory or filename contains the string "product".

Handle upgrades

After upgrading Solidus to a new version, run the generator again and follow the on-screen instructions.


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If you’re interested in contributing to the docs, get started with the contributing guidelines. If you see something that needs fixing and can’t do it yourself, please send us an email.