Automatic autoloading will only work for Solidus versions minor than 3.2. Take a look at monkey patches for the current recommended approach.
Solidus autoloads any file in the /app
directory that has the suffix
, just like any other Rails models or controllers. This allows
you to
monkey patch
Solidus functionality for your store.
For example, if you want to add a method to the Spree::Order
model, you could
create /app/models/mystore/order_decorator.rb
with the following contents:
module MyStore::OrderDecorator
def total
super + BigDecimal(10.0)
Spree::Order.prepend self
This creates a new module called MyStore::OrderDecorator
that prepends its
methods early in the method lookup chain. So, for method calls on Spree::Order
objects, the decorator's total
method would override the original total
With the code above live on your server, every call to
return the original total plus $10 (or whatever your currency is).
You'll need to define a special method in order to access some class-level methods
module MyStore::ProductDecorator
# This is the place to define custom associations, delegations, scopes and
# other ActiveRecord stuff
def self.prepended(base)
base.has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
base.scope :sellable, -> { base.where(...).order(...) }
base.delegate :something, to: :something
Spree::Product.prepend self
In this example, a decorator has been used to extend the functionality of
. The decorator includes an ActiveRecord association, scope,
and delegation.
Decorators can complicate your Solidus upgrades. If you depend on decorators, ensure that you test them before upgrading in a production environment. Note that Solidus's core classes may change with each release.
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If you’re interested in contributing to the docs, get started with the contributing guidelines. If you see something that needs fixing and can’t do it yourself, please send us an email.