Develop Solidus

If you would like to improve Solidus and you intend to submit your work as a pull request, please read the contributing guidelines first.

Getting your Solidus development environment set up is easy. First, clone the Solidus GitHub repo:

      git clone git://


Then enter the directory you just downloaded and install Solidus' dependencies:

      cd solidus
bundle install


Alternatively, you can use the docker setup .

Create a sandbox application

Solidus is meant to be run within a Rails application. You can create a sandbox application inside the source directory that you have cloned. This gives you a typical Solidus store you can use for testing.

By default, the sandbox includes solidus_auth_devise , and the generator seeds the database and loads sample data.



You can prepend DB=mysql or DB=postgresql to the command in order use those databases instead of the default SQLite 3 database. For example:

      env DB=postgresql bin/sandbox


After the sandbox has been generated, you can change into its directory and start the server:

      cd sandbox
bin/rails server


If you need to create a Rails 5.2 application for your sandbox, for example if you are still using Ruby 2.4 which is not supported by Rails 6, you can use the RAILS_VERSION environment variable.

        export RAILS_VERSION='~> 5.2.0'
  bundle install



Solidus uses RSpec for testing. Refer to its documentation for more information about the testing library.

If you intend to submit your work to Solidus as a pull request, it must pass all of the Solidus test suites before it is merged. You must also provide new or updated tests for your features or bug fixes.

We use CircleCI to run tests on all incoming pull requests.

To run the test suites for solidus_frontend and solidus_backend, you need to install ChromeDriver on your system first.

You can see the build statuses on our CircleCI status page .

Run all Solidus test suites

To execute all of the test specs, run the bin/build script at the root of the Solidus project:



The bin/build script runs using PostgreSQL by default, but it can be overridden by setting the DB environment variable to DB=sqlite or DB=mysql. For example:

      env DB=mysql bin/build


Note that this will fail if you have not installed ChromeDriver on your system.

Run a single test suite

Each gem contains its own test suite. For example, you can run only the solidus_core gem tests within the core directory:

      cd core
bundle exec rspec


By default, the tests run against the default SQLite 3 database. You can instead specify DB=mysql or DB=postgresql by prepending it to the command:

      env DB=postgresql bundle exec rspec


Generate a code coverage report

You can generate a SimpleCov code coverage report by prepending COVERAGE=true to the rspec command:

      env COVERAGE=true bundle exec rspec


Develop a Solidus extension

You can add additional features to your store using Solidus extensions. A list of supported extensions can be found at .

You can use the solidus_dev_support gem as an example if you want to start creating a new Solidus extension. Check out the doc on writing extensions to learn more.

Develop with docker

If you have docker and docker-compose, you can leverage them to get a development environment ready to go in a snap:

      docker-compose up -d


The app service is the one sharing the repository source code. Once the image has been built, you have to wait for all the dependencies to be installed. This won't happen in subsequent invocations. You can check progress through the service's logs:

      docker-compose logs -f app


The image can be built with other ruby versions through the RUBY_VERSION build argument:

      docker-compose build --build-arg RUBY_VERSION=2.7 app
docker-compose up -d


In addition, the rails version can also be set on container initialization through the RAILS_VERSION environment variable:

      RAILS_VERSION='~> 5.0' docker-compose up -d


You can use either postgres, mysql or sqlite to run the test suite:

      docker-compose exec app bin/rspec
# postgres
docker-compose exec app env DB=postgres bin/rspec
# mysql
docker-compose exec app env DB=mysql bin/rspec


Database engine clients are also available:

      docker-compose exec app sqlite3 /path/to/db
# postgres
docker-compose exec app env PGPASSWORD=password psql -U root -h postgres
# mysql
docker-compose exec app mysql -u root -h mysql -ppassword


In order to be able to access the sandbox application , just make sure to provide the appropriate --binding option to rails server. By default, port 3000 is exposed, but you can change it through SANDBOX_PORT environment variable:

      SANDBOX_PORT=4000 docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec app bin/sandbox
docker-compose exec app bin/rails server --binding --port 4000



Solidus is an open source platform supported by the community. We encourage everyone using Solidus to contribute back to the documentation and the code.

If you’re interested in contributing to the docs, get started with the contributing guidelines. If you see something that needs fixing and can’t do it yourself, please send us an email.