Product images

Product images belong to the Spree::Image model and belong to the variants of a product. The latest version (>= 3.0) of Solidus handles the creation and storage of images using Active Storage by default (previously Paperclip ).

Take note of these product image properties:

  • viewable_id: The ID for the variant that this image is linked to.
  • attachment_width and attachment_height: The width and height of the original image that was uploaded. See the image settings of this article for more information about how Solidus resizes product images.
  • position: Sets the image's position in a list of images. For example, an image with the position of 2 would be displayed after the image with the position of 1.
  • alt: The alt text for an image. Administrators can add this from the backend.

Fallback images

Every product image is linked to the ID of a specific Spree::Variant. However, if the variant is a master variant (the variant's is_master property equals true) this image can be displayed as a fallback for other variants without images.

If you want to change the image that is displayed when a product has no image, you can override Solidus's noimage defaults in your project by creating a app/assets/images/noimages directory.

If you have changed your image settings , make sure that you include noimage images for each of image attachment keys that you have defined. The default keys are mini, small, product, and large.

Images for all variants

Administrators can upload images when adding or editing a product in the solidus_backend . The images can be set to be displayed for a specific variant or for All variants.

If set to All, the viewable_id is set to the master variant for the current product.

Image settings

Active Storage and Paperclip handle the creation and storage of product images. By default, they create several versions of each image at specific sizes.

You can check the default settings by inspecting the product_image_styles option on Spree::Config in your Rails console:

      >> Spree::Config.product_image_styles
=> {:mini=>"48x48>", :small=>"400x400>", :product=>"680x680>", :large=>"1200x1200>"}


The default sizes can be changed using the Spree::Config.product_image_styles option. For example, in your config/initializers/spree.rb file. You can set new defaults like this:

# E.g. these were the default values for Solidus up to version 2.9
config.product_image_styles = {
  mini: '48x48>',
  small: '100x100>',
  product: '240x240>',
  large: '600x600>'


Regenerate thumbnails

Active Storage will automatically generate the sizes upon initial request.

If you change the default image sizes and are using Paperclip, you must regenerate the thumbnails by running a Rake task:

      bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=Spree::Image


Using Paperclip

Active Storage is the default backend for Spree::Image starting with Solidus 3.0. As we don't want to force existing stores to migrate their existing Paperclip assets, we will support the maintained fork of paperclip for a while. Because of this we do not recommend switching to Paperclip when creating a new Solidus application.

Switching to the Paperclip backend can be achieved by changing the configuration for Spree::Config.image_attachment_module and Spree::Config.taxon_attachment_module:

config.image_attachment_module = 'Spree::Image::PaperclipAttachment'
config.taxon_attachment_module = 'Spree::Taxon::PaperclipAttachment'



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