Return items

The Spree::ReturnItem model is the central model in Solidus's return system. All of the other models related to returns either use or depend on return items.

Return items are associated with Spree::InventoryUnits and can be re-added to your store's inventory once they are received.

A Spree::ReturnItem has the following attributes:

  • return_authorization_id: The ID for the Spree::ReturnAuthorization associated with the return item.
  • inventory_unit_id: The ID for the Spree::InventoryUnit that is associated with the return item.
  • exchange_variant_id: If the Spree::ReimbursementType is an exchange, this attribute's value is the variant ID that is going to be exchanged.
  • amount: The amount that the customer paid for the item.
  • included_tax_total: The amount of VAT-style tax included in the amount of the item.
  • additional_tax_total The amount of sales tax that the customer paid for the item.
  • reception_status: Tracks whether the stock location has received the item. See Reception states for more information.
  • acceptance_status: Tracks the acceptance status of the return item. The possible states include pending, accepted, and rejected.
  • customer_return_id: The ID for the Spree::CustomerReturn that includes the return item.
  • reimbursement_id: The ID for the Spree::Reimbursement that includes the return item.
  • exchange_inventory_unit_id: If the Spree::ReimbursementType is an exchange, this attribute's value is the ID of the Spree::InventoryUnit that that is going to be exchanged.
  • acceptance_status_errors: A hash that lists reasons why the return item is not acceptable.
  • preferred_reimbursement_type_id: The ID for the reimbursement type that was originally set for the return item.
  • override_reimbursement_type_id: An optional reimbursement type that overrides the preferred reimbursement type.
  • resellable: States whether the return item can be re-sold.
  • return_reason_id: The ID for the Spree::ReturnReason that is given for the item.

Reception states

The Spree::ReturnItem object tracks whether your stock location has received the item. The following reception states are available:

  • awaiting
  • canceled
  • expired
  • given_to_customer
  • in_transit
  • lost_in_transit
  • received
  • shipped_wrong_item
  • short_shipped
  • unexchanged

In order to offer a reimbursement to the customer, the status needs to be received.


Return items can be accepted or rejected based on defined business reasons.

For example, Solidus rejects returns on items that are not included in a Spree::ReturnAuthorization . If the item is not referenced in a return authorization, then the Spree::ReturnItem's acceptance_status transitions to rejected and the acceptance_status_errors attribute should have the following value:

      {:rma_required=>"Return item requires an RMA"}


Change acceptance behavior

Return items are accepted or rejected using the Spree::ReturnItem::EligibilityValidator classes. You can change the eligibility validators that your store uses by overriding the ::Default subclass' list in an initializer.

For example, by default Solidus rejects return items that are not included in a return authorization using the Spree::ReturnItem::EligibilityValidator::RMARequired class. You could exclude the RMARequired item when you replace the list of eligibility validators in your config/initializers/spree.rb initializer:

      Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
  Spree::ReturnItem::EligibilityValidator::Default.permitted_eligibility_validators = [


See the Spree::ReturnItem::EligibilityValidator::Default for a list of the default eligibility validators.


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